Photography by Fred W. McDarrah - Copyright MMUS/For licensing please contact Getty Images
Ellington Treasury Broadcasts
Duke Ellington Treasury Broadcasts - Eddie Lambert’s introduction to this daunting collection
Clifford Brown (1930-1956)
Jan Evensmo’s recently published solography prompted me to take a deep dive into Clifford Brown’s recordings
Time travelling with ECdesigns' PowerDAC-S and Open Baffle Speakers
A follow-up to my previous article on ECDesigns’ audio system
ECdesigns PowerDAC-S and Open Baffle Speakers
ECdesigns’s take on High Fidelity in a speaker system
Lady Day
Remembering Billie Holiday
Discogs Upload
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Meet Jan Evensmo, Jazz Archeologist
Jan Evensmo Interview
Duke Ellington at the Sunset Ballroom
A dance date with the Duke
ECdesigns PowerDAC-R
Review of a groundbreaking Digital to Analog converter and headphone amplifier
Ellington’s Portrait of the Lion
Pittsburgh music workshop performance
Ellington Gems
The Lake - 1969 concert performance
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